Driver Status for XFree86[tm] 4.2.1 : Sun Microsystems
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32. Sun Microsystems


No Sun hardware is supported in 3.3.6.


Sun BW2 framebuffers are supported by the "sunbw2" driver. Sun CG3 framebuffers are supported by the "suncg3" driver. Sun CG6 framebuffers are supported by the "suncg6" driver. Sun CG14 framebuffers are supported by the "suncg14" driver. Sun FFB framebuffers are supported by the "sunffb" driver. Sun LEO framebuffers are supported by the "sunleo" driver. Sun TCX framebuffers are supported by the "suntcx" driver.


Sun hardware is supported only in 4.2.1.

Driver Status for XFree86[tm] 4.2.1 : Sun Microsystems
Previous: Silicon Motion, Inc.
Next: Trident Microsystems